Pleased to be a member of the Association of Graveyard Rabbits

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Welcome to My Graveyard Rabbithole

I first became interested in graveyards when I was twelve. I came upon the local cemetery, and found the grave of a girl who had drowned at my age in 1929. I would visit her grave now and then, and wander about looking at the other markers. I admired the artistry of the older stones, and pondered the lives of those who lay there. When I travel, I like to visit the local cemeteries to see the differences in style of both the monuments and the entire site. In this newish era of the digital camera, I feel more free to collect images.

For this maiden posting, so close to Samhain, I offer a few images of Megalithic era tombs from England.

Trethevy Quoit, on Bodmin Moor, Cornwall

West Kennett Long Barrow, near Avebury, Wiltshire

Weyland's Smithy, near Uffington, Oxfordshire


  1. Great shots. Photoshopped eerie cloud backgrounds or was the sky really like that? I must share some of my megalithic tomb photos from Carrowmore in Ireland with you.

  2. Hi!
    My name is Sheri Fenley and I have the "Meet A Rabbit" column over at the Graveyard Rabbit Association. I would like to feature your blog in an upcoming article. Please email me at:

  3. Fran: I didn't add anything to the pics other than alter them with PS magic. I could share my secret method with you, considering you're a friend.

    Hello Sheri: Nice to meet you. I'll pop off an email to you.
